Hardware interfaceΒΆ

#ifndef dynamixel_hardware_interface
#define dynamixel_hardware_interface

#include <limits>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>

// ROS
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <urdf/model.h>
// ROS-related: to parse parameters
#include <XmlRpcException.h>
#include <XmlRpcValue.h>

// ROS control
#include <hardware_interface/joint_command_interface.h>
#include <hardware_interface/joint_state_interface.h>
#include <hardware_interface/robot_hw.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits_interface.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits_rosparam.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits_urdf.h>

// Library for access to the dynamixels
#include <dynamixel/dynamixel.hpp>

namespace dynamixel {
  /** Hardware interface for a set of dynamixel actuators.

      This class fits in the ros_control framework for robot control.

      Warning: this code is currently limited to joint-mode dynamixel actuators
  template <class Protocol>
  class DynamixelHardwareInterface : public hardware_interface::RobotHW {
      // Actuator's id type
      using id_t = typename Protocol::id_t;


      /** Initialise the whole hardware interface.

          Set the essential parameters for communication with the hardware
          and find all connected devices and register those referred in
          dynamixel_map in the hardware interface.
      bool init(ros::NodeHandle& root_nh, ros::NodeHandle& robot_hw_nh);

      /** Copy joint's information to memory

          firstly queries the information from the dynamixels, then put it in
          private attributes, for use by a controller.

          Warning: do not get any information on torque
      virtual void read(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& elapsed_time);

      /** Send new joint's target position to dynamixels

          takes the target position from memory (given by a controller) and sends
          them to the dynamixels.
      virtual void write(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& elapsed_time);

      using dynamixel_servo = std::shared_ptr<dynamixel::servos::BaseServo<Protocol>>;

      DynamixelHardwareInterface(DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol> const&) = delete;
      DynamixelHardwareInterface& operator=(DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol> const&) = delete;

      // Methods used for initialisation
      bool _get_ros_parameters(ros::NodeHandle& root_nh,
          ros::NodeHandle& robot_hw_nh);
      dynamixel::OperatingMode _str2mode(const std::string& mode_string,
          std::string name);
      bool _load_urdf(ros::NodeHandle& nh, std::string param_name);
      bool _find_servos();
      void _enable_and_configure_servo(dynamixel_servo servo, OperatingMode mode);
      void _register_joint_limits(const hardware_interface::JointHandle& cmd_handle,
          id_t id);

      void _enforce_limits(const ros::Duration& loop_period);

      // ROS's hardware interface instances
      hardware_interface::JointStateInterface _jnt_state_interface;
      hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface _jnt_pos_interface;
      hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface _jnt_vel_interface;

      // Joint limits (hard and soft)
      joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSoftLimitsInterface _jnt_pos_lim_interface;
      joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSoftLimitsInterface _jnt_vel_lim_interface;
      joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationInterface _jnt_pos_sat_interface;
      joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSaturationInterface _jnt_vel_sat_interface;

      // Memory space shared with the controller
      // It reads here the latest robot's state and put here the next desired values
      std::vector<double> _prev_commands;
      std::vector<double> _joint_commands; // target joint angle or speed
      std::vector<double> _joint_angles; // actual joint angle
      std::vector<double> _joint_velocities; // actual joint velocity
      std::vector<double> _joint_efforts; // compulsory but not used

      // USB to serial connection settings
      std::string _usb_serial_interface;
      int _baudrate;
      float _read_timeout, _scan_timeout; // in seconds
      // Dynamixel's low level controller
      dynamixel::controllers::Usb2Dynamixel _dynamixel_controller;

      // List of actuators (collected at init. from the actuators)
      std::vector<dynamixel_servo> _servos;
      // Map from dynamixel ID to actuator's name
      std::unordered_map<id_t, std::string> _dynamixel_map;
      // Map from dynamixel ID to actuator's command interface (ID: velocity/position)
      std::unordered_map<id_t, OperatingMode> _c_mode_map;
      // Map for servos in velocity mode which speed needs to be inverted
      std::unordered_map<id_t, bool> _invert;
      // Map for max speed (ID: max speed)
      std::unordered_map<id_t, double> _dynamixel_max_speed;
      // Map for angle offsets (ID: correction in radians)
      std::unordered_map<id_t, double> _dynamixel_corrections;

      // To get joint limits from the parameter server
      ros::NodeHandle _nh;

      // URDF model of the robot, for joint limits
      std::shared_ptr<urdf::Model> _urdf_model;

  template <class Protocol>
      // stop all actuators
      try {
          for (auto dynamixel_servo : _servos) {
              dynamixel::StatusPacket<Protocol> status;
      catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while trying to "
              << "power them off:\n"
              << e.msg());

  template <class Protocol>
  bool DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::init(
      ros::NodeHandle& root_nh, ros::NodeHandle& robot_hw_nh)
      // Get the relevant parameters from rosparam
      // Search for the servos declared bu the user, in the parameters
      if (!_get_ros_parameters(root_nh, robot_hw_nh) || !_find_servos())
          return false;

      // declare all available actuators to the control manager, provided a
      // name has been given for them
      // also enable the torque output on the actuators (sort of power up)
      try {
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < _servos.size(); i++) {
              id_t id = _servos[i]->id();

              // check that the actuator's name is in the map
              typename std::unordered_map<id_t, std::string>::iterator dynamixel_iterator
                  = _dynamixel_map.find(id);
              if (dynamixel_iterator != _dynamixel_map.end()) {
                  // tell ros_control the in-memory addresses where to read the
                  // information on joint angle, velocity and effort
                  hardware_interface::JointStateHandle state_handle(

                  // check that the actuator control mode matches the declared
                  // command interface (position/velocity)
                  OperatingMode hardware_mode
                      = operating_mode<Protocol>(_dynamixel_controller, id);
                  typename std::unordered_map<id_t, OperatingMode>::iterator c_mode_map_i
                      = _c_mode_map.find(id);
                  if (c_mode_map_i != _c_mode_map.end()) {
                      if (c_mode_map_i->second != hardware_mode) {
                          ROS_ERROR_STREAM("The command interface declared "
                              << mode2str(c_mode_map_i->second)
                              << " for joint " << dynamixel_iterator->second
                              << " but is set to " << mode2str(hardware_mode)
                              << " in hardware. Disabling this joint.");
                          _c_mode_map[id] = OperatingMode::unknown;
                  else {
                      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("The command interface was not defined "
                          << "for joint " << dynamixel_iterator->second
                          << ". Disabling this joint.");
                      _c_mode_map[id] = OperatingMode::unknown;

                  // tell ros_control the in-memory address to change to set new
                  // position or velocity goal for the actuator (depending on
                  // hardware_mode)
                  hardware_interface::JointHandle cmd_handle(
                  if (OperatingMode::joint == hardware_mode) {
                  else if (OperatingMode::wheel == hardware_mode) {
                  else if (OperatingMode::unknown != hardware_mode) {
                      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Servo " << id << " was not initialised "
                                                << "(operating mode "
                                                << mode2str(hardware_mode)
                                                << " is not supported)");
                      _c_mode_map[id] = OperatingMode::unknown;

                  // Enable servos that were properly configured
                  if (OperatingMode::unknown != _c_mode_map[id]) {
                      // Set joint limits (saturation or soft for the joint)
                      _register_joint_limits(cmd_handle, id);
                      // enable torque output on the servo and set its configuration
                      // including max speed
                      _enable_and_configure_servo(_servos[i], hardware_mode);
                  else {
                      // remove this servo
                      _servos.erase(_servos.begin() + i);
              else {
                  ROS_WARN_STREAM("Servo " << id << " was not initialised "
                                           << "(not found in the parameters)");
                  // remove this servo
                  _servos.erase(_servos.begin() + i);

          // register the hardware interfaces
      catch (const ros::Exception& e) {
          // TODO: disable actuators that were enabled ?
          ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Error during initialisation. BEWARE: some "
              << "actuators might have already been started.");
          return false;

      // At startup robot should keep the pose it has
      ros::Duration period(0);
      read(ros::Time::now(), period);

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < _servos.size(); i++) {
          OperatingMode mode = _c_mode_map[_servos[i]->id()];
          if (OperatingMode::joint == mode)
              _joint_commands[i] = _joint_angles[i];
          else if (OperatingMode::wheel == mode)
              _joint_commands[i] = 0;

      return true;

  template <class Protocol>
  void DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::read(const ros::Time& time,
      const ros::Duration& elapsed_time)
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < _servos.size(); i++) {
          dynamixel::StatusPacket<Protocol> status;
          try {
              // current position
          catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
              ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while getting  "
                  << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << "'s position\n"
                  << e.msg());
          if (status.valid()) {
              try {
                  _joint_angles[i] = _servos[i]->parse_present_position_angle(status);
              catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
                  ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Unpack exception while getting  "
                      << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << "'s position\n"
                      << e.msg());

              // Invert the orientation, if configured
              typename std::unordered_map<id_t, bool>::iterator
                  = _invert.find(_servos[i]->id());
              if (invert_iterator != _invert.end()) {
                  _joint_angles[i] = 2 * M_PI - _joint_angles[i];

              // Apply angle correction to joint, if any
              typename std::unordered_map<id_t, double>::iterator
                  = _dynamixel_corrections.find(_servos[i]->id());
              if (dynamixel_corrections_iterator != _dynamixel_corrections.end()) {
                  _joint_angles[i] -= dynamixel_corrections_iterator->second;
          else {
              ROS_WARN_STREAM("Did not receive any data when reading "
                  << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << "'s position");

          dynamixel::StatusPacket<Protocol> status_speed;
          try {
              // current speed
          catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
              ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while getting  "
                  << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << "'s velocity\n"
                  << e.msg());
          if (status_speed.valid()) {
              try {
                      = _servos[i]->parse_joint_speed(status_speed);

                  typename std::unordered_map<id_t, bool>::iterator
                      = _invert.find(_servos[i]->id());
                  if (invert_iterator != _invert.end()
                      && invert_iterator->second)
                      _joint_velocities[i] = -_joint_velocities[i];
              catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
                  ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Unpack exception while getting  "
                      << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << "'s velocity\n"
                      << e.msg());
          else {
              ROS_WARN_STREAM("Did not receive any data when reading "
                  << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << "'s velocity");

  template <class Protocol>
  void DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::write(const ros::Time& time,
      const ros::Duration& loop_period)
      // ensure that the joints limits are respected

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _servos.size(); i++) {
          // Sending commands only when needed
          if (std::abs(_joint_commands[i] - _prev_commands[i]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
          _prev_commands[i] = _joint_commands[i];
          try {
              dynamixel::StatusPacket<Protocol> status;

              double command = _joint_commands[i];

              OperatingMode mode = _c_mode_map[_servos[i]->id()];
              if (OperatingMode::joint == mode) {
                  typename std::unordered_map<id_t, double>::iterator
                      = _dynamixel_corrections.find(_servos[i]->id());
                  if (dynamixel_corrections_iterator != _dynamixel_corrections.end()) {
                      command += dynamixel_corrections_iterator->second;

                  // Invert the orientation, if configured
                  typename std::unordered_map<id_t, bool>::iterator
                      = _invert.find(_servos[i]->id());
                  if (invert_iterator != _invert.end()) {
                      command = 2 * M_PI - command;

                  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Setting position for joint "
                      << _dynamixel_map[_servos[i]->id()] << " to " << command
                      << " rad.");
              else if (OperatingMode::wheel == mode) {
                  // Invert the orientation, if configured
                  const short sign = 1; // formerly: _invert[_servos[i]->id()] ? -1 : 1;
                  typename std::unordered_map<id_t, bool>::iterator
                      = _invert.find(_servos[i]->id());
                  if (invert_iterator != _invert.end()
                      && invert_iterator->second) {
                      command = -command;
                  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Setting velocity for joint "
                      << _servos[i]->id() << " to " << command);
                      _servos[i]->reg_moving_speed_angle(command, mode));
          catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
              ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while sending "
                  << "new commands:\n"
                  << e.msg());

      try {
      catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while sending "
              << "new commands:\n"
              << e.msg());

  /** Retrieve all needed ROS parameters
      @return true if and only if all went well
  template <class Protocol>
  bool DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_get_ros_parameters(ros::NodeHandle& root_nh, ros::NodeHandle& robot_hw_nh)
      bool got_all_params = true;

      got_all_params &= robot_hw_nh.getParam("serial_interface", _usb_serial_interface); // path to the device
      int baudrate;
      got_all_params &= robot_hw_nh.getParam("baudrate", baudrate); // in bauds
      _baudrate = get_baudrate(baudrate); // convert to OS-defined values
      got_all_params &= robot_hw_nh.getParam("read_timeout", _read_timeout); // in seconds
      bool dyn_scan = robot_hw_nh.getParam("scan_timeout", _scan_timeout); // in seconds
      if (!dyn_scan) {
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("Dynamixel scanning timeout parameter was not found. "
              << "Setting to default: 0.05s.");
          _scan_timeout = 0.05;
      std::string default_command_interface;
      bool has_default_command_interface = robot_hw_nh.getParam(
          "default_command_interface", default_command_interface);

      // Retrieve the servo parameter and fill maps above with its content.
      XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue servos_param; // temporary map, from parameter server
      if (got_all_params &= robot_hw_nh.getParam("servos", servos_param)) {
          ROS_ASSERT(servos_param.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct);
          try {
              for (XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::ValueStruct::const_iterator it = servos_param.begin(); it != servos_param.end(); ++it) {
                  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("servo: " << (std::string)(it->first));

                  id_t id;
                  if (it->second.hasMember("id")) {
                      id = static_cast<int>(servos_param[it->first]["id"]);
                      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\tid: " << (int)id);
                      _dynamixel_map[id] = it->first;
                  else {
                      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Actuator " << it->first
                                                   << " has no associated servo ID.");

                  if (it->second.hasMember("offset")) {
                          = static_cast<double>(servos_param[it->first]["offset"]);
                      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\toffset: "
                          << _dynamixel_corrections[id]);

                  if (it->second.hasMember("command_interface")) {
                      std::string mode_string
                          = static_cast<std::string>(
                      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\tcommand_interface: " << mode_string);

                      _c_mode_map[id] = _str2mode(mode_string, it->first);
                  else if (has_default_command_interface) {
                          = _str2mode(default_command_interface, it->first);
                      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\tcommand_interface: "
                          << default_command_interface << " (default)");
                  else {
                      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("A command interface (speed or position) "
                          << "should be declared for the actuator " << it->first
                          << " or a default one should be defined with the parameter "
                          << "'default_command_interface'.");

                  if (it->second.hasMember("reverse")) {
                      _invert[id] = servos_param[it->first]["reverse"];
          catch (XmlRpc::XmlRpcException& e) {
              ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Exception raised by XmlRpc while reading the "
                  << "configuration: " << e.getMessage() << ".\n"
                  << "Please check the configuration, particularly parameter types.");
              return false;

      if (!got_all_params) {
          std::string sub_namespace = robot_hw_nh.getNamespace();
          std::string error_message = "One or more of the following parameters "
                                      "were not set:\n"
              + sub_namespace + "/serial_interface\n"
              + sub_namespace + "/baudrate\n"
              + sub_namespace + "/read_timeout\n"
              + sub_namespace + "/servos";
          return false;

      // Get joint limits from the URDF or the parameter server
      // ------------------------------------------------------

      std::string urdf_param_name("robot_description");
      // TODO: document this feature
      if (robot_hw_nh.hasParam("urdf_param_name"))
          robot_hw_nh.getParam("urdf_param_name", urdf_param_name);

      if (!_load_urdf(root_nh, urdf_param_name))
          ROS_INFO_STREAM("Unable to find a URDF model.");
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Received the URDF from param server.");

      return true;

  /** Convert a string to an operating mode for a Dynamixel servo

      @param mode_string name of the operating mode (either velocity or position)
      @param nam name of the joint
      @return dynamixel::OperatingMode::unknown if mode_string is not recognized
  template <class Protocol>
  dynamixel::OperatingMode DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_str2mode(
      const std::string& mode_string, std::string name)
      dynamixel::OperatingMode mode;
      if ("velocity" == mode_string)
          mode = dynamixel::OperatingMode::wheel;
      else if ("position" == mode_string)
          mode = dynamixel::OperatingMode::joint;
      else {
          mode = dynamixel::OperatingMode::unknown;
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM("The command mode " << mode_string
                                               << " is not available (actuator "
                                               << name << ")");

      return mode;

  /** Search for the robot's URDF model on the parameter server and parse it

      @param nh NodeHandle used to query for the URDF
      @param param_name name of the ROS parameter holding the robot model
      @param urdf_model pointer to be populated by this function
  template <class Protocol>
  bool DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_load_urdf(ros::NodeHandle& nh,
      std::string param_name)
      std::string urdf_string;
      if (_urdf_model == nullptr)
          _urdf_model = std::make_shared<urdf::Model>();

      // get the urdf param on param server
      nh.getParam(param_name, urdf_string);

      return !urdf_string.empty() && _urdf_model->initString(urdf_string);

  /** Search for the requested servos

      Servos that were not requested are ignored and the software complain if
      any required one misses.

      @return true if and only if there was no error
  template <class Protocol>
  bool DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_find_servos()
      // extract servo IDs from _dynamixel_map
      std::vector<typename Protocol::id_t> ids(_dynamixel_map.size());
      using dm_iter_t = typename std::unordered_map<id_t, std::string>::iterator;
      for (dm_iter_t dm_iter = _dynamixel_map.begin(); dm_iter != _dynamixel_map.end(); ++dm_iter) {

      // get the list of available actuators using the vector of IDs
      try {
          // small recv timeout for auto_detect
          _dynamixel_controller.open_serial(_usb_serial_interface, _baudrate);
          _servos = dynamixel::auto_detect<Protocol>(_dynamixel_controller, ids);
          // restore recv timeout
      catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
          ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while trying to "
              << "initialise them:\n"
              << e.msg());
          return false;

      // remove servos that are not in the _dynamixel_map (i.e. that are not used)
      using servo = dynamixel::DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::dynamixel_servo;
      typename std::vector<servo>::iterator servo_it;
      for (servo_it = _servos.begin(); servo_it != _servos.end();) {
          typename std::unordered_map<id_t, std::string>::iterator dynamixel_iterator
              = _dynamixel_map.find((*servo_it)->id());
          // the actuator's name is not in the map
          if (dynamixel_iterator == _dynamixel_map.end())
              servo_it = _servos.erase(servo_it);

      // Check that no actuator was declared by user but not found
      int missing_servos = _dynamixel_map.size() - _servos.size();
      if (missing_servos > 0) {
              << " servo"
              << (missing_servos > 1 ? "s were" : " was")
              << " declared to the hardware interface but could not be found");
          return false;

      _prev_commands.resize(_servos.size(), 0.0);
      _joint_commands.resize(_servos.size(), 0.0);
      _joint_angles.resize(_servos.size(), 0.0);
      _joint_velocities.resize(_servos.size(), 0.0);
      _joint_efforts.resize(_servos.size(), 0.0);

      return true;

  /** Enable torque output for a joint and send it the relevant settings.

      For now, these settings are only the speed limit.

      @param servo the actuator concerned
      @param mode operating mode of the actuator (e.g. position or velocity,
          in dynamixel speech, joint, wheel, etc.)
  template <class Protocol>
  void DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_enable_and_configure_servo(
      dynamixel_servo servo, OperatingMode mode)
      try {
          // Enable the actuator

          dynamixel::StatusPacket<Protocol> status;
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Enabling servo " << servo->id());

          // Set max speed for actuators in position mode

          typename std::unordered_map<id_t, double>::iterator
              = _dynamixel_max_speed.find(servo->id());
          if (dynamixel_max_speed_iterator != _dynamixel_max_speed.end()) {
              if (OperatingMode::joint == mode) {
                  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Setting velocity limit of servo "
                      << _dynamixel_map[servo->id()] << " to "
                      << dynamixel_max_speed_iterator->second << " rad/s.");
              else {
                  ROS_WARN_STREAM("A \"max speed\" was defined for servo "
                      << servo->id() << " but it is currently only supported for "
                      << "servos in position mode. Ignoring the speed limit.");
          else if (OperatingMode::joint == mode) {
              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Resetting velocity limit of servo "
                  << _dynamixel_map[servo->id()] << ".");
      catch (dynamixel::errors::Error& e) {
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught a Dynamixel exception while "
              << "initializing:\n"
              << e.msg());

  template <class Protocol>
  void DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_register_joint_limits(
      const hardware_interface::JointHandle& cmd_handle,
      id_t id)
      // Limits datastructures
      joint_limits_interface::JointLimits joint_limits; // Position
      joint_limits_interface::SoftJointLimits soft_limits; // Soft Position
      bool has_joint_limits = false;
      bool has_soft_limits = false;

      // Get limits from URDF
      if (_urdf_model == NULL) {
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("No URDF model loaded, cannot be used to load joint"
                          " limits");
      else {
          // Get limits from URDF
          urdf::JointConstSharedPtr urdf_joint
              = _urdf_model->getJoint(cmd_handle.getName());

          // Get main joint limits
          if (urdf_joint == nullptr) {
              ROS_ERROR_STREAM("URDF joint not found "
                  << cmd_handle.getName());

          // Get limits from URDF
          if (joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits(urdf_joint, joint_limits)) {
              has_joint_limits = true;
              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                        << " has URDF position limits ["
                                        << joint_limits.min_position << ", "
                                        << joint_limits.max_position << "]");
              if (joint_limits.has_velocity_limits)
                  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                            << " has URDF velocity limit ["
                                            << joint_limits.max_velocity << "]");
          else {
              if (urdf_joint->type != urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS)
                  ROS_WARN_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                           << " does not have a URDF "
                                              "position limit");

          // Get soft limits from URDF
          if (joint_limits_interface::getSoftJointLimits(urdf_joint, soft_limits)) {
              has_soft_limits = true;
              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                        << " has soft joint limits.");
          else {
              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                        << " does not have soft joint "

      // Get limits from ROS param
      if (joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits(cmd_handle.getName(), _nh, joint_limits)) {
          has_joint_limits = true;
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                    << " has rosparam position limits ["
                                    << joint_limits.min_position << ", "
                                    << joint_limits.max_position << "]");
          if (joint_limits.has_velocity_limits)
              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << cmd_handle.getName()
                                        << " has rosparam velocity limit ["
                                        << joint_limits.max_velocity << "]");
      } // the else debug message provided internally by joint_limits_interface

      // Slightly reduce the joint limits to prevent floating point errors
      if (joint_limits.has_position_limits) {
          joint_limits.min_position += std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
          joint_limits.max_position -= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

      // Save the velocity limit for later if the joint is in position mode
      // it is going to be sent to the servo-motor which will enforce it.
      if (joint_limits.has_velocity_limits
          && OperatingMode::joint == _c_mode_map[id]) {
          _dynamixel_max_speed[id] = joint_limits.max_velocity;

      if (has_soft_limits) // Use soft limits
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Using soft saturation limits");

          if (OperatingMode::joint == _c_mode_map[id]) {
              const joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSoftLimitsHandle
                      cmd_handle, joint_limits, soft_limits);
          else if (OperatingMode::wheel == _c_mode_map[id]) {
              const joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSoftLimitsHandle
                      cmd_handle, joint_limits, soft_limits);
      else if (has_joint_limits) // Use saturation limits
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Using saturation limits (not soft limits)");
          if (OperatingMode::joint == _c_mode_map[id]) {
              const joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationHandle
                  sat_handle_position(cmd_handle, joint_limits);
          else if (OperatingMode::wheel == _c_mode_map[id]) {
              const joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSaturationHandle
                  sat_handle_velocity(cmd_handle, joint_limits);
  } // namespace dynamixel

  template <class Protocol>
  void DynamixelHardwareInterface<Protocol>::_enforce_limits(const ros::Duration& loop_period)
      // enforce joint limits
} // namespace dynamixel
