Statistics / Writing results ================================================= .. highlight:: c++ Statistics are functors that are called at the end of each iteration of the Bayesian optimizer. Their job is to: - write the results to files; - write the current state of the optimization; - write the data that are useful for your own analyses. All the statistics are written in a directory called ``hostname_date_pid-number``. For instance: ``wallepro-perso.loria.fr_2016-05-13_16_16_09_72226`` Limbo provides a few classes for common uses (see :ref:`statistics-stats` for details): - ``ConsoleSummary``: writes a summary to ``std::cout`` at each iteration of the algorithm - ``AggregatedObservations``: records the value of each evaluation of the function (after aggregation) [filename ``aggregated_observations.dat``] - ``BestAggregatedObservations``: records the best value observed so far after each iteration [filename ``aggregated_observations.dat``] - ``Observations``: records the value of each evaluation of the function (before aggregation) [filename: ``observations.dat``] - ``Samples``: records the position in the search space of the evaluated points [filename: ``samples.dat``] - ``BestObservations``: records the best observation after each iteration? [filename ``best_observations.dat``] - ``BestSamples``: records the position in the search space of the best observation after each iteration [filename: ``best_samples.dat``] These statistics are for "advanced users": - ``GPAcquisitions`` - ``GPKernelHParams`` - ``GPLikelihood`` - ``GPMeanHParams`` The default statistics list is:: boost::fusion::vector, stat::AggregatedObservations, stat::ConsoleSummary> Writing your own statistics class ---------------------------------- Limbo only provides generic statistics classes. However, it is often useful to add user-defined statistics classes that are specific to a particular experiment. All the statistics functors follow the same template: .. code:: c++ template struct Samples : public limbo::stat::StatBase { template void operator()(const BO& bo, const AggregatorFunction&) { // code } }; In a few words, they take a `BO` object (instance of the Bayesian optimizer) and do what they want. For instance, we could add a statistics class that writes the worst observation at each iteration. Here is how to write this functor: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/tutorials/statistics.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :lines: 109-138 In order to configure the Bayesian optimizer to use our new statistics class, we first need to define a new statistics list which includes our new `WorstObservation`: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/tutorials/statistics.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :lines: 144-148 Then, we use it to define the optimizer: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/tutorials/statistics.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :lines: 151 The full source code is available in `src/tutorials/statistics.cpp` and reproduced here: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/tutorials/statistics.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :lines: 48-