Testing the hardware interface

This tutorial assumes that you have already been able to compile and install the package. If not, please refer to the related instructions in the building/installation instructions.

For this example, we are using 2 dynamixel actuators : MX28 . It will by default launch two feed-forward only controllers (one position and one velocity) and a virtual controller that publishes the states of the two actuators.

  1. Connect motor
    with your USB2DYNAMIXEL device or your favorite dynamixel interface.
  2. Supply power
    USB2Dynamixel does not supply power to Dynamixel. Therefore, the power must be supplied separately to operate Dynamixel. We are recommanded to use : one laboratory power supply or SMPS2Dynamixel .

Go inside your libdynamixel directory

  1. Check serial interface

    open a terminal and simply type : ls /dev.

    check your serial interface’s name, in our case ttyUSB0.

  2. Check device’s ID

    open a terminal and simply go into your libdynamixel directory : cd /home/USER/Resibots/libdynamixel. Now, you can check with our tools interface if your motors and the libdynamixel work correctly :

./build/src/tools/dynamixel -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 3000000 list

  • -p device interface
  • -b dynamixel’s baudrate (known)
  • list command to list all connected dynamixel

Go inside your dynamixel_control_hw directory

  1. URDF File

    check the URDF file : urdf/sample.urdf

    • joints names
    • joints limits
  1. Configuration file

    check the example configuration file: config/sample.yaml

    • id parameters
    • serial_interface
    • baudrate
  2. Launch file

    Check the launch/sample.launch file.

    It will by default launch two feed-forward only controllers (one position and one velocity) and a virtual controller that publishes the states of the two actuators.

    Once you are sure that it’s correct, you can:

    roslaunch dynamixel_control_hw sample.launch
  3. Check topics and params:

    rostopic list
    rosparam list

or visualize it on rviz



if the arm doesn’t appear on rviz, try to change Fixed Frame in global option display.